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Detailed analysis of the data collected by your website can lead to greater interaction between your business and your customers.
It is an easy mistake to consider only top level data, such as website hits or visits, and base your entire perception of how well the site is performing on these figures alone.
If the purpose of the website is to merely to be hit without any tangible benefit to the business, then basing the success of the site on these figures would be adequate. In fact the number of hits could be easily be rocketed upward simply by encouraging visits from bots.
(A bot, Internet bot, also known as web robot, WWW robot or simply bot is a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet more at wikipedia)
However, whilst some bots are exceedingly beneficial, such as search engine robots, others are intrusive and malicious.
So we must look at the headline stats again in this context: how many of those website visits were from human beings?
By erecting screens around the website we can filter out the background noise of bot visits and start to see how actual people interact with the business via the website.
It then returns to the central question of what the actual purpose of the website is, and what action do you want people to perform when they are there?
If that is to fill out a form, send an email or make a purchase, then that is easily measurable.
The site visit information then tells us how many visits we need in order to achieve a desired result.
Hence it is the conversion of site visits to a particular action that is important, and leads to the question:
Why did the action not get performed? Was the product / information not what the person wanted, or was it the size shape or colour of a particular button, that caused it not be be pressed?
What about the viewers geographical location, or the device they viewed the website on?
All Starwood Systems constructed websites have multiple data collection and screening systems installed.
These enable us to further screen unwanted traffic out of the equation and also deliver modified information to the viewer based upon any number of criteria to improve the click through rate.